Budapest could become the fashion capital of the region by 2030 - the Government of Hungary has approved the National Fashion Strategy prepared by HFDA

The main goal of the Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency is the comprehensive renewal of the Hungarian fashion and design industry while ensuring effective professional coordination between the domestic and international players of the industry. In order to achieve these goals, the Agency developed a comprehensive strategic working document in 2019, which became the official National Fashion Industry Strategy after it was approved by the Government of Hungary in 2021.

The Government of Hungary has adopted the National Fashion Industry Strategy prepared by the Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency. In the course of the National Fashion Industry Strategy, the HFDA has identified the most important challenges that currently hinder the competitiveness of the domestic fashion industry and has written solution proposals to address them. The strategy of this sector was developed around six main pillars: coordination and cooperation, effective promotion and marketing communication, effective trade, high quality and affordable production, high-quality international level education, and reliable data and measurable performance.

The fashion industry is an important branch of the broader creative industries, and its importance at an international level has substantially grown in the recent decades, due to its direct and indirect economic potential as well as its role in shaping tourism and national image. The wide-reaching added value of the fashion industry is indisputable, as its development is sustainable based on creative performance and innovation, and it contributes to the growth of the national economy, including the stimulation of manufacturing and trade, the increase of their efficiency and the creation of new high added value, sustainable, creative jobs. It also contributes to the growth of industry-related export earnings and tourism spending. Through the internationally recognised fashion industry and brands, the Hungarian national brand can be strengthened and serve as a tool for preserving and presenting cultural identity.

The National Fashion Industry Strategy reviews the opportunities for the renewal of the sector, identifying how to increase Hungary's participation in high value-added trends and provides the proper framework for the sector's actors to develop. The reinvigoration of regional production may have significant positive economic, social and environmental impacts. The creation of a suitable platform and a secure background for actors in the fashion industry can contribute to easier access of Hungarian products to foreign tourists, thus increasing the revenues of the tourism sector. Among main objectives, it is highlighted to make Budapest the leading fashion centre of Central Europe by 2030, with a distinctive individual identity, successful shops, internationally renowned export brands, world-class events, exhibitions, competitive manufacturing, education and extensive global international connections.

To establish the Strategy, the Agency has carried out quantitative and qualitative research and held several professional consultations with prominent national and international representatives of the fashion industry. In order to provide a sound technical basis for the document, the Agency has carried out a number of international background analyses, reports and studies, and the Strategy has been submitted for review to experts of the profession. The National Strategy for the Fashion Industry 2030 provides the right framework for the entire sector development.