Curatorial guidance in the Kaesz homes 1925-1960 exhibition
Date: 18 October, 2024. (17:00-18:00)
Location: Walter Rózsi-villa, 1071, Budapest, Bajza street 10.
Guided tour - At he new exhibition at the Walter Rózsi-villa, we can get a glimpse of the homes of furniture designer Gyula Kaesz, interior designer and graphic artist Kató Lukáts. During the guided tour, we get to know the exciting stages of the two intertwining life paths, while through their own designed objects and furniture, we can trace the changes in taste in the middle of the 20th century, from the art deco bedroom furniture of the newlyweds to the modern, practical furniture of their last apartment.
The exhibition is guided by: Fanni Izabella from Magyaróvári, co-curator of the exhibition
The event requires registration.
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