Where does Hungarian design stand now - History, present and future

Date: 16 October, 2024. 9:30

Location: SBGK Attorneys at Law and Patent Attorneys, 1062,  Budapest, Andrássy út 113.


Industrial design, applied art, design, fashion - the past and present of the artifacts and their legal protection will be discussed by the participants of a roundtable discussion organised by SBGK Law Office as part of Budapest Design Week.

Dr. Anna Judit Szatmári PhD (fashion historian, curator, head of the textile collection of the Kiscell Museum) and Dr. Enikő Karsay LL.M. (attorney, partner of SBGK Law Office, member of the board) will briefly present two aspects of the topic: the past and present development of Hungarian object design and its intersection with the law, with special regard to the possibilities of design protection provided by copyright and design protection.

After their introductory remarks, a roundtable discussion will take place, moderated by the two of them, with 3 invited designers who are prominent representatives of the Hungarian design and fashion scene in their respective fields:

  • Anita Benes (Dalaarna), fashion designer,
  • Dávid Baráth (Studio Barath), image designer, branding expert,
  • János Héder chandelier designer (Manooi).

In the roundtable discussion, they will discuss topics such as the present and future of Hungarian design education, legal problems that arise in the work of artists and how to prevent them, specific design and legal aspects of their own fields (design, graphics, fashion), the conflict between the passage of time and legal protection, the costs of legal protection and the claims that can be asserted in the event of infringement, and the way forward: the impact of artificial intelligence on the work of designers.

Event timing:
9:30 Arrival
9:50 Opening - Dr. Katalin Szamosi, President of SBGK Law Office
10:15 Introductory remarks
10:15 Round table discussion
11:30 Informal discussion


The event is open to the public.



