Acquiring Know-how From Domestic Factories Of Excellence

The design START internship programme aims to provide designers insight into the entire organisational chain, and by doing so, providing them with a detailed outline of the product life cycle – starting all the way from the idea itself to its implementation and the export process - stated Zsófia Bata-Jakab, the HFDAʼs CEO. 

The benefits of collaboration can also be detected by the manufacturer, as the manufacturers - when possible - strive to create their own collections or products, which also requires personal contact with the designers. 

The purpose and aim of the internship programme is to realise and encourage collaborations between both manufacturers and designers. To date, the following pairs have spent a two-week internship period working together: the designer pair of 4MS design at Kanizsa Trend furniture factory, Anna Bárány and Borbála Fű ceramic designers at Hollóháza Porcelain Factory, Fruzsina Fülöp certified designer at the Szentendrebased factory of KAZA Concrete. During the internship, one or more dedicated, highly qualified mentors from the factories have been supporting the designers.