First impression – Current hotel design trends
Date: [updated time] 15 October, 2024. (16:30)
Location: River Diva boat, 1117 Budapest, Henryk Slawik quay, next to A38
The last few years have brought many exciting changes to the Hungarian hotel market and we are proud that our design agency, este'r partners, has played a pivotal role in this process. In our roundtable discussion, we will discuss how interior design is evolving within the hospitality market. What kind of first impression a guest travelling to Hungary encounters? What are the opportunities for improvement and development in the field? How does interior design support an overall positive image? What sustainable solutions are already applied in Hungary and what directions should be followed from among the good practices of sustainability of international hotels?
Our venue is the recently inaugurated, elegant River Diva event cruise ship, that will take us on the Danube and show us what Budapest has to offer.
Guests are kindly requested to arrive on time for the boat departure.
Participants of the discussion:
- Eszter Radnóczy, interior designer, Founder este'r partners
- Anikó Horváth, Mystery Hotel Budapest, General Manager
- Gabriella Patai, Accor Hotel, Design Director
- Pál Moskovits, BIGGEORGE Property, Director of Property Manager
- Tamás Flesch, The Hungarian Hotel & Restaurant Association, Managing Director and Co-Owner Continental Group
16:30 Arrival to the River Diva boat
17:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion
18:15 In case of a sufficient number of guests, a boat trip and tour on the Danube led by interior designers Eszter Radnóczy and Csilla Szabó will take place (Those who cannot come with us, can get off the boat before the departure).
19:00 Refreshments and food
20:45 Arrival to the port
The event requires registration:
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