HFDA Fashion Flash

The Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency launches it’s 2019 HFDA Academy – „Fashion Flash” roundtable discussion series.

HFDA "Fashion Flash" presents: Fashion practices
Date: Thursday, 7th of March
Time: 18:00-19:30 
Address: HFDA Building (18 Istenhegyi út, 1126, Budapest)

As part of the „Fashion rights in practice” discussion series, the invited speakers will be going through the topics of fashion, copyright, intellectual property, and the process of trademarking a label both domestically and internationally.

Topics of discussion and debate reagarding famous law cases:
1. Fiorucci – Using a surname as a trademark

  1. Christian Louboutin vs. red-lacquered soles
  2. Crocs vs. EU Judges: Patents and design protection
    4. Are up and coming fashion brands safe from Zara?


Dr. Gertrúd Kovács – „Divatjog” / Fashion Rights blog - Editor in Chief, Associate Legal Counsel at Viacom

Dr. Ádám György LL.M. - Attorney at Law, Intellectual porperty and competition law specialist

Anita Forintos-Szűcs – Fashion Director – Hungarian fashion and Design Agency

The event is free of charge, however due to limited seat availability, entry is subject to confirmed email registration. Please register your intention to attend via email at info@hfda.hu