BRAND NAME: Petra Szondi


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Following the title, the series of pieces depicts anthropomorphic flower shapes. In a previous series of my sculptures, called Garden of Éli, the concept and the message of the work are the same. The geometric bodies are order, and the organic forms break these harmoniously, showing that the two worlds of form can work together. Anthropomorphic proportions are necessary motifs for the work, as the pieces themselves symbolize female bodies. Organic traits are those physical attributes that can often be seen as imperfections, but my aim with this work is to highlight these unique features. With the new series, currently in progress, my goal is to develop this topic further, to unfold it and to unleash the formal proliferation that started with the previous pieces. Furthermore, I wanted to create a series of ceramic sculptures that could be treated as installations and can be exhibited in multiple ways.

The planned installation of this work for the exhibition would be on a platform which would be about 50-60 cm high and 2 m long, with red sand underneath This arrangement will allow all the pieces to be clearly visible. The pictures in this document about my previous work called The Garden of Éli is the reference for the sculpture series that is still in process.


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Similar to my Garden of Éli sculptures the formal excitement of these works is based on the same elements. Here too the concept focuses on the human body and its imperfections. There is also a play of proportions in these works with a closed composition formed by the four inward facing elements. These ceramic sculptures were fired in a wood-fired kiln.