BRAND NAME: Tünde Ruzicska ceramics

BRAND DESCRIPTION: Tünde Ruzicska is a ceramic artist and designer who seeks the frontiers of ceramic art and craftmanship. She sees design in a broader sense as part of contemporary object culture, which she interprets as a multidisciplinary concept ranging from artistically demanding utility sculptures to works of fine art. With her autonomous ceramic sculptures, she explores the common meeting points of space and vessel. In relation to this, she deals with reinterpretation of the theme „Genius Loci” used in architecture. It is an ancient Roman term meaning „Spirit of Place,” indicating that every place has a character, radiance, and spirituality which results from the objects created by the people living there and the environment which can be traced back to Animism, the belief in the Soul. She builds these spatial constructions layer by layer, freehand, the most archaic pot-making method that creates living, breathing surfaces. These sculptures are spatial variants of organic and geometric forms which form multi-view, light-shadow, line-space compositions. A broader interpretation of the vessel as place, as space, as content.