The Hungarian fashion mentoring programme has begun
The Hungarian fashion mentoring programme has begun, giving an opportunity for ten talented Hungarian designers to learn the ins and outs of brand building and development, paired with the business, strategic and marketing theoretical knowledge required to do so. The programme and itʼs goal, established by the Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency, is to help support Hungarian brands become stable and successful, giving the best brands the opportunity to move forward and
take part in an international mentoring programme. The aim of the Hungarian mentoring programme, initiated by the Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency, is to pass on theoretical knowledge and implement this knowledge into the various stages of brand development - a tool which is needed for successful brand building. Within the framework of workshops and personal meetings, Hungarian professionals will be helping to develop the skills of the partakers. Based on the decision made by international professionals, at the end of the Hungarian mentoring programme, the best performing brands will be able to continue their work through the international mentoring programme, organised jointly by the HFDA and the Camera
Nazionale della Moda Italiana. The programmeʼs mentors, selected based on professional criteria, are as follows: Mónika Chen Emma (Brand Development Manager and Communication Consultant), Dr. Ádám György (Attorney at Law, Member of the Budapest Bar Association), Kriszta Kárpáti (Freelance Fashion PR
Professional), Nikolett Kázsmér (Investment Manager, Incubation), Sára Bernát Emília (Fashion & Luxury Brand Strategist), Réka Szentesi (Fashion Researcher), Tátrai Péter (Investment Deputy Director), Alexandra Horváth (CFO, Aeron), Lilit Boninsegni (Polimoda), Tímea Martényi (Sales and Sustainability Expert) - Each expert has a clear understanding of brand strengths and areas for improvement due to experience in various fields related to fashion and brand building. The last round of workshops will take place in March 2020, and until then the brands will be able to develop in various areas such as fashion communication, product sales, trademark protection and digital marketing. The designers taking part in the programme: Kata Szegedi, Nini Molnar, The Four, DÜSK, Vecsei Millinery, Peter Mero, Gabriella Veszpremi, Anna Daubner, Alma Vetlenyi and ZIA. The selected designers are all talents who will successfully be bale to develop their businesses after completing the mentoring programme. „When creating the curriculum for the mentoring programme, we aimed to feature all areas needed to help the brands operate as stable and successful companies in Hungary. Further, another important aim of ours is to ensure that through mentoring, the brands will be able to reach a level where as a business, they will be able to take part in the international mentoring programme organised jointly with the CNMI. Our goal is for these brands to become successful on an international level, and by doing so, strengthening Hungaryʼs image of being a country of unparalleled creativity” – stated Zsófia Bata-Jakab, CEO of the Agency.
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